This Moment in Alba

Let us listen, and pay close heed, to what the Sacred Dancers of the Tribe of Alba the Beautiful have to say ... and tell us ... and teach us ... This is from Chapter 26 of Alba: The Great Dance of Leaving and Returning.

Tara reached over and gently grabbed a small hassock and adjusted it under her knees.  She eased her shoulders.  Found her husband’s hand again and held it pressed against her thigh.  Memories flooded.  Many memories from an unbroken sequence of years.  She pulled her mind away from the stream of thoughts, as Talitha had taught her so many years ago.  Tara closed her eyes.  She waited.  Knowing without a doubt that the Dance would come.

The Dance of Prayer touched her lightly.  Tara nodded in thanks.  “I give thanks.  Great thanks.”  She reached out with her innerness and touched the presence of her husband.

The Dance turned stronger within her.  Tara nodded in thanks.  “How beautiful it is, when two, husband and wife, gather together, to together seek out the presence of Spirit, to touch Spirit and reaffirm its existence and power, to be touched by Spirit, and thus come to know again the love of being led, to be wrapped around by Spirit and thus come to know again that we are Guided and Protected at all times, and to be filled by Spirit, and thus come to know again that Spirit is within us at all times, for we are also of Spirit, by Spirit and from Spirit.  For this gathering together in offering prayer I give great thanks.”

The Dance took her powerfully now.  “I affirm that all upon Mother EAerth, and all within the infinite orb within which Mother EAerth resides, are from the same Source of Goodness and are of the same Substance of Goodness.  That of eternal, infinite, everpresent Spirit Itself.  And thus too my husband, my beloved, my Great Friend across this life’s journey, my King to my Queen, father to our joint children, is of Spirit, since all are.  I affirm, claim and know this.  I have complete faith, belief and trust in this.  So I speak my word of prayer for Alpin, son of Aidan, and King of Dal Riada, father of sons Tomor and Kenneath, husband of Tara and man with a Thread of life that is still be to lived.”

She felt the pressure of the increase in his hold around her hand.  It felt to her like the palms of her husband were weeping, gently, but so, so deeply.  Tara nodded in thanks.

“I affirm, claim and know perfect outcome resulting from Alpin’s endeavor in his meeting with King Eoghann of Alba.  I affirm, claim and know Alpin, my husband, and Alpin, King of Dal Riada, will act with all the courage, honesty and strength that he possesses, and that he will be true in all the moments of that larger moment to all that is the highest and most high within his being.  I claim and know that Alpin will call truth to his Heart, and will act from truth alone.”

The Dance within her paused for a moment.  Tara followed it deeper down within her being.  She waited.  Something was being drawn.  “And I further affirm, claim and know that Alpin will prevail, such that at the end of his meeting with King Eoghann he will perform great service to Spirit and to Mother EAerth.”

The Dance faded into the background.  Tara felt that it was to be only for a moment.  She took a thread of her thoughts.  “And I further pray the highest outcome for Kenneath, son of ours, heir of ours, man not yet wedded, that he will effortlessly Serve that which needs serving and that Kenneath will receive perfect outcome for his deeds.”

The Dance touched her again.  Tara swallowed.  And then let the Dance take her.  “I am so very, very grateful.”  She nodded her head in thanks.  “ I am so grateful for the privilege of this life of Spirit within Spirit that I have been given.  I am so grateful for the privilege of my free choice, that I might learn and grown.  I am so grateful for all that I have lived, whether I called it at the time ‘good’ or whether I called it at the time ‘bad’.  I am so grateful for all the Guidance and Protection that I have received, whether I was aware of it or not, in this life … and not in this life.  I am so grateful for the privilege to Love.  I am so grateful for the privilege to Serve.  I am so grateful for my husband and to my husband.”

She had to lick her lips.  “And so I release this my prayer and let it go.  I am done with it, my Word is spoken, and it is done with me, so there is no need to keep it close and fret that it will be so, so I free it into the Infinity of Spirit, the Allness, the Oneness, the Is-ness and the Unity of Divine Love, and let it be to do its Work, which it always does true, for all prayers are responded to, for that is the Law of Laws.”

Tara sucked in a deep breath.  The Dance within her was ending.  It was time for it to go.  “And … knowing that I ask only for Goodness from the fount of all Goodness itself, and that any and all Goodness that accrues will be for the benefit of all Creation I say simply that my Word Is and Will Be.”

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