Thursday, February 28, 2013

Prayer, Art and Service are a Unity

Michele Théberge is a local artist that I admire greatly. I've seen her work - in di Rosa in Napa. But even more ... I truly appreciate how she understands what 'art' 'is'. Michele writes about art very deeply and inspirationally. You can visit her thoughts here - and I encourage you to follow her on twitter and commune with her on Facebook.

Michele recently blogged on 'Your art is your service'. I was inspired to write a 'brief' comment. And then ... the comment became longer ... and a bit longer again. I still posted it. And then ... after I re-read it I realized that I really liked what I had written. And so ... I copy it here below.

"Absolutely agree. Art is Service. Love is all there is ... across eternity and infinity ... or ... all there is is Love. (whichever one prefers.)

Myself and my 'environment' are a Unity ... since the Allness of All-There-Is is a Unity. Every manifestation (and all are temporal), from a galaxy none of us has seen to a blade of grass, is a manifestation of this Divine Unity. Thus ... when I interact with a manifestation of 'art', or it interacts with me, several things can happen - transmission, awakening something latent through resonance, and so on. Music, poetry, stories, art and more still me, uplift me, inspire me ... and more ... and always have since an early age.

True art is sacred service because ... we 'listen' (change our consciousness) to the Divine to create. And, in fact, it is really the Divine that is creating through us. The true artist is the flute, not the Breath that blows through it. And where does that Breath come from and what 'is' It? Our duties then - in the sense that 'duty' is used in the Bhagavad Gita - are to record what we are 'given', to 'polish the diamond' (using our techniques and skills), and to give this art on. (Getting paid is still Giving.) And, optionally, to become more and more what we are when we do 'listen'. Ultimately, prayer, art and Service are a Unity also.

Many artists these days, particularly in secular swathes of the West, 'disagree' with this understanding of the Universe. I honor each their understanding. The only point I will make is this - regardless of any conceptualization of the Universe that any one has, the true nature of the Universe is the way it is. Regardless. Thus, one can choose to 'understand' the Universe, or, one can choose not to. Both are paths. But almost certainly not equal."

Namaste! I bow to and Honor the Light within you!


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What if ... True Wisdom Does Exist ... Stories are Food for Thought

Activism has seven times seventy times seven hundred faces - there are so many ways to make this world 'of ours' (in fact, it's not 'our' world at all) a better place for all. For all tribes and groups, all ceatures and bodies of water, all souls and for Mother EAerth Herself. Activist artists, in all modes, are everywhere contributing to this collective endeavour.

My contribution as an activist artist, as a story finder and story teller, is to invite my readers to change their consciousness. Change your consciousness and the world around you will change. It can be no other way. This is the way it is. We are all individual expressions of an infinite and eternal Unity that is Existence itself. Thus when I change my consciousness, my environment, which is the set of all the closest-to-me individualized expressions of the Divine, also changes. Thoughts are things. Change thoughts and consciousness changes. Change consciousness and ... see the above ...

How do I do this? Let me count the ways ... Here is one ...

The novel Alba: The Great Dance of Leaving and Returning is 'A Mystic and Shamanic Fantasy of the Dawning of Scotland'. Alba is written on many levels. One of the Highest is that Alba, through its story, declares that true wisdom exists. 'True Wisdom' is the clear comprehension and understanding that a human consciousness can have of the universe and all its ways. Historical fantasy, where worlds are created, is a straightforward way to express this Highest.

If Alba declares that true wisdom exists then, there are only a small number of ways to react to this. One, 'I don't believe that this state of true wisdom exists!' Two, I believe that this state can exist in people, but I am going to do nothing about it in my life (right now). Three, I believe this and I am going to do something about it in my life (I may in the here-and-now know or not know what).

This story is an invitation to change. Not a demand. If you are in the third group then be reassured that all the ways in all traditions are explicitly available. That is good to know.

Stories of a particular kind can be our teachers. This has been known for a very long time. Since the beginning (oh when and oh where was that?) of this race of women and men. Food for thought. Stories are food for thought.

Namaste! I bow to and honour the Light within you.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Nook of Names - A Name for Every Story

This is the most wonderful resource - full of wonders, and traceries of wonders and webs that are resonant with RichAndTrue histories of this our race of women and men (and indeed, creatures). What is in a name, indeed? What is of a name? What is a name 'made' of? This nook is a realm of whispers and touches leading ... leading ... leading ... Well, it depends who you are and what you want (to know).

What a wonderful place to wander in if you are a poet, or poetically-hearted, a storyteller - particularly of fantasy and historical fantasy and wiccan tales ... In fact, it is a treasure!

Visit it. And bide a while. And still. And surrender to the journey.

Namaste! I bow to and honour the Light within you.