Thursday, November 1, 2012

Superstorm Sandy 1000 miles Across ... and Calling Us To Our Senses

Not Whispering ... Calling. Not entreating ... but demanding.

Mother EAerth is reaching out to us with fierce intent. Of course, She whispers all the time. Every moment. To every being and every thing upon, and supported by, Her. Mother EAerth tells of Love and Life. And now She tells that imbalance is being forced upon her.

So ... superstorm Sandy was 1000 miles across at its fiercest. I have not done the two calculations - the area of Sandy and the percentage of that to the surface of Mother EAerth Herself - but that was a huge disruption.

Let Us Speak and Hear Reverence

That is why it is such a tragedy that the climate change deniers are not just content to be denial huggers, but want to suppress truth (by lies, of course). I hear no Reverence from the climate change denial huggers for Mother EAerth and all the wonders upon Her, including us. I hear no Reverence from the climate change denial huggers for Life. I hear no hymns from them of Gratitude. I do hear their frenzy though. Loud (very) and clear (though deranged).

The truth of climate change, right here and now upon Mother EAerth, is being fenced off by the creation of a parallel universe. Yet truth still exists and truth is being expressed all the time - every moment - by many of us. Everyday, "ordinary" activists who feel Reverence ... for the mystery and miracle of life.

Story as One Thread in the Tapestry of Healing

I consider myself an activist artist - I tell stories to heal. To heal consiousness, individual and collective. In my novel Alba there is deep and fully felt reverence for Mother EAerth by the Weaver Women of Alba. I use many "techniques". These techniques are all with the aim of kindling, awakening, and re-awakening Reverence. Just Reverence. Once we have true Reverence for one thing upon upon the Breast of Mother EAerth, then we can have Reverence for all.

So, for example, I have my characters talk and tell of the Reverence they feel. That's a simple technique! And then resonance happens. And reflection. And Stillness internal. And a fire, some times, to "change" the course, content, and manner of one's life.

Teling from - Alba: The Great Dance of Leaving and Returning

This is what Soay says in Alba.

Soay laughed.  “And Mother EAerth, upon whose Breast you walk, by Her Grace, will lead you to the Golden Boar of Alba, for all paths are of Mother EAerth, and all only walk anywhere by her Grace.  And all, awarely or unknowingly, are Guided by Her as to which path to walk upon!

Talitha, teacher of the Weaver Women of Alba says this at one point in the story.

"Kingdoms do not exist in truth.  Kingdoms only exist in the whirling minds of women and men that make true things false and unreal.  If you would fly as high as these first clouds this afternoon, and flew for a day and a night, you would not see kingdoms.  You would see the body of Mother EAerth.  She is the only land.  And across Her can be painted webs of illusion.  Or, across Her the Weavers can work, healing, uplifting, teaching, joining that that needs joining.”

And later Talitha talks with Moireaichd.

“That morning for that young girl, Moireaichd, was a chorus of whispers that changed that little girl’s life forever in this life.  That young girl knew, without doubt, that we travel across this sea called Time.  That Mother EAerth whispers to us all the time of wisdom.  Hers is a song that never ceases.  Just refrain after refrain after refrain.  We are Guided to open at all times.  That little girl learned that in a flash of light.”

One of the sacred dances in Alba is the Great Dance of Compassion. This is how it is described during the story.

And so, although the space was cramped and crowded, Duancan Danced the Great Dance of Compassion, as taught to him by his teacher, Moon Bear.  When Mother EAerth hears this Dance, then She sends all of herself, winds, snow and rain, Sun’s light and Moon’s light, birds and buzzing bees, all to wash away the hurt and untie the departed.    Until the place is healed.

And, lastly, Mora, succouring a dying soldier of Alba the Beautiful.

“And so I tell to you, warrior and soul, lover and friend and more.”  Mora smiled again.  “There is a Dance, young and beautiful man.  And we are Dancing it now.  But first let me tell to you what I know.  Mother EAerth, upon whose belly and Heart we all, people and animals everywhere, live, is but a fragment, a point in the great sky above us.  Mother EAerth is kin to a star.  And you, hero and warrior and Soul-on-Your-Journey are a Thread.  You are a Thread that is Woven upon the Great Loom of life.  And as you are Woven, so all things are Woven, including Mother EAerth, each and every star and more.  All.  You, me, Mother EAerth and all the stars are Woven by an essence of pure Love.  Your Thread, Cemoy’th, is Woven with all Threads.  The sky, the Moon, the One Ocean, the birds of land and sea, all animals and the beautiful Golden Boar of Alba.  All are Threads.”


My Long Lost Portrait is Found ... and that is a Story in Itself

Once Upon A time ...

Once upon a time ... and ... once in a place in the known and unknown Universe ... inherent together in Space and Time ... I had my portrait begun. The year was 1981 ("as the Nazarenes understand and tally the turning of the years").

I sat for the very gifted artist Natalie D'Arbeloff. You can visit her blog here.

Who broached the suggestion? I intuit it was Natalie. Though, human memory is frail and creative. In 1981 I lived in Hampstead; at an address on Willow Road.

I sat. I had never seen a painter at work before. Natalie set up - the canvas looked huge. In fact it was - 4X5 feet. That is a lot of me!. I sat very still. Natalie set to with brushes and paint. And, of course, I can see her moving and watching, and not the brush on the canvas.

Reaching Out ... Across Space after the Passing of Time

At a pause I looked. The talent to paint is such a gift! I sat a small number of times. Maybe twice ... and perhaps it was three times. The portrait progressed. And then there was disruption. Natalie left ... the painting was unfinished. I presumed the painting lost. And then ... a couple of years ago, December 2009, I reached out to Natalie - through this marvellous invention, The Internet, and found her ... alive ... and well ... and creating, creating, creating. (She is so, so gifted!)

She emailed me back. She had photos of the unfinished portrait. But ... sadly (for both of us) ... this magical portrait had been painted over. And then this morning (November 1st 2012) I receive an email from Natalie. She has found the portrait. The FINISHED portrait. And below is the story ...

On 18 Dec 2009, at 7:26AM, rennie wrote:

natalie, you may very well not remember me. it was in simon meyerson's place by the Heath. for the sittings i wore all green - green trousers, green shirt, green sweater draped over the shoulders. i believe ... (I was into green at the time). this would be c. 1982-3-ish.

these times seemed a little bit crazy for everyone around that time, place & person. and i don't suppose you ever finished it. i loved it VERY much. i thought it a wonderful piece of work.

i think about it and you ... oh ... once/twice most years :) it was the only time i ever had my portrait painted ...

Blessings, rennie walker

Success ... Joy ... and Disapointment
December 18, 2009 3:28:25 AM PST To: rennie

Rennie! How amazing!

Of course I remember painting your portrait in Simon's big room downstairs at Willow Road, wearing green, Lotus-positioned on cushions, the windows behind you. I have a photo of the painting, and you next to it, somewhere - I'll find it and email it to you, I promise. I'm ashamed to say that I never finished the portrait, and I can't remember why not? Even more ashamed that when I ran out of canvas some years later, painted over it. AAAAAAAARGH!

However,if you're ever in London for a while, give me a call and I could start (and finish) an updated version. I've just had a quick browse of your beautiful website and will go back to it later - you seem to be happy and creatively productive - bravo! I guess you found me via the miraculous internet? Are you in California?

If you have the time and inclination, have a virtual stroll through the many rooms of my online home (links below). I became computer-addicted about seven years ago and my digital self seems to have taken on a life of its own. This has its benefits and challenges but also drawbacks, and I need to do more hands-on-canvas work.

I'm very glad you wrote to me and hope we'll keep in touch. Will send you the photo very soon.

All good wishes, Natalie

December 22, 2009 8:09:38 PM PST To: rennie@

rennie, a quick note: I've blogged about your portrait and posted the photos too and linked to your sites - I hope that's okay with you? If not, I can remove any or all of it. Sorry, I should have asked first!

Happy to know you too. Natalie

What was Believed Lost is Found!
October 31, 2012 5:22:42 PM PDT To: rennie@

Hi Rennie, I was looking for something inside a cupboard in my studio today and, lo and behold, inside a big container I haven't opened in years, what did I find? The actual canvas of the portrait of Rennie, painted in 1981 at Willow Road! And it's completely finished.

As you know, I thought I had painted over it and that it was forever lost. But it's alive and well and looking terrific. I'm attaching a photo I snapped of it tonight, standing on a table above it, because it's huge: 4' wide X 5' high.

I'm so pleased to have found it because it is really a good painting, one of the best portraits I've ever done. Would you be interested in buying it? It could be shipped in a heavy cardboard tube as the painting can be rolled up. It's on highest quality canvas.

Sending you warmest wishes. Love, Natalie

November 1, 2012 3:14:33 AM PDT To: Natalie@


this is the most amazing story! as a story teller myself i am knocked out by this true one! what a find. you are a treasure!

yes i would totallyTotally love to buy it. but you would likely get more for it if you sold it on the "market" - because i agree it is a wonderful piece of execution - colors, composition and all. i also don't know what a price is since i have never bought a portrait. let me know. it is likely out of my range ... and i will talk with kathy (my beloved and spouse). anyway let's see ...

btw i love one of the landscapes - the one with the hills sliding downwards to the right. you are so gifted and articulate.

all best to you, rennie